Health Tips for You. Health is very important for life. Yoga is powerful for fitness and routine. Everyone like to remain healthy. Healthy life gives you happiness. Various tips for health is helpful to protect your health. Long life is necessary for a healthy and happy life. Some good diet plan is helpful. This article is helpful to become healthy. Today health is very important for long life. Also, some living tips are helpful to remain healthy. Avoid use of A.C. If You are to use A.C., you may face many health problems. Everyone like to sit in A.C. in summer season. Heavy summer increases the use of A.C. You use the A.C. in night but because of lower temp you wake up round 4 to 5 in the morning we think A.C. to stop when we are in deep sleep. A.C. can cause health problems. It cause unhealthy many diseases. You face the bone problems in body begin which start diseases. You are away from fresh air due to lack of windows in A.C. room. Fresh air shortage acts as a...
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