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Summer Best Diet Plan

Ice cream.

Summer get relief from hot temperature. Ice cream is best in taste. Cool Ice cream is help to make you freshness and stay healthy. Ice cream is feel very refreshing. It reduces fatigue and depression. Many Nutrients are in Ice cream gives energy because of Vitamins A,B,C,D & mineral. Ice cream relax your brain, protect from colon cancer, relax mouth, relax pain and irritation, glow skin.


Summer is best for Mango. Mango fruit is pulpy & yellow fruit. Ladies can eat fruits mango and also it apply as a scrub to glow on skin. Mango is tropical fruit with low in calorie & high in fibre.

Mango contains folate, beta keratin, iron, vitamins A, C and E, calcium, zinc.

Lower Cholesterol.

Mango contain fibre, pectin, Vitamin C which lower serum cholesterol level in the body.

Prevent Cancer.

Antioxidant compounds is protect against colon, breast, leukemia & prostate cancers. Mango include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid, methyl gallate & abundant enzymes.

Eye Health.

According to experts one cup of slice mango provides 25% of the needed daily value of vitamin A in human body which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.

Cool Down Body Temperature.

In summer, mango juice help to cool down body temperature.

Reduce Weight.

The mango contains Vitamins & Nutrients burns unwanted calories from body & boosts digestive function.

Boosts Immune System.

Mango boosts the immune system healthy & strong as fruits contains Vitamins A, C & 25 different carotenoids.

Improve Digestion.

Many diseases prevents as mango is enrich with fibre & break down protein content in body.

Clear & Flawless Skin.

Mango help to clear clogged pores & eliminate pimples thus making the skin clear, spotless, flawless.

Alkalizes The Body.

The tartaric acid malic acid a trace of citric acid find in mango to maintain the alkali reverse of the body.

Coconut Water.

Coconut Water is the liquid collection. It contains sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, amino acids, enzymes, cytokine, phytohormones. It is refreshing drink. It supports for  anti ageing , anti carcinogenic, anti thrombotic effects. Due to amino acids, enzymes, minerals coconut water also useful to energetic for body. Vitamins are helpful to gives some energy. Potassium is useful for replenish electrolyte deficiency in the body due to diarrhea. It is one energy booster in summer.


Onion is beneficial for health. It save or protect from LU and heat and increase willpower from summer temperature.  It keep heart healthy.  It may protects from heart diseases. 

Antioxidant & antiinflammatory substances find in onions which may help to keep heart healthy. It may help to relief from stress & pain.

Onion may help to relax from indigestion & loose motion. It destroy the bacteria & remove stones. Keep control blood glucose level, relief from diabetes, relax high tension, increases immunization, prevent cancer, protect from LoU, remove skin disease, safe teeth from bacteria are various useful health benefit. It support to thiosulfinates & thiosulfonates properties.

These are best summer diet plan.


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