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Shilpa Shetty Diet & Fitness.

Shipa Shetty Diet & Fitness.

Bollywood Actress Shipa Shetty is very good in Fitness. She know beauty is good along with fitness. She makes a routine good for fitness.

Diet Plan and Yoga routine make her body in shape.

Shipa Shetty makes herself very fit with regular Yoga in the morning. She drink warm water in the morning. She like to live happily with her husband Raj. She wake up early in the morning.

This Videos is helpful to know lifestyle, fitness routine and diet routine of Shipa. Everyone is so much surprise to see her fitness. She is very gorgeous in look.

Shipa Shetty Fitness routine

Shipa like to be fit all the times. She is one of most beautiful & fitness actress in Bollywood. 

Shipa is good in acting & figure. She workout schedule & strict diet regime are responsible for mirror cracking figure.

Shipa Shetty Diet Plan.

Lunch: Brown rice / chappati with high fiber ingredients, dal, chicken, curry and vegetable.
Evening : One brown bread toast, one egg and green tea.
Dinner: Salads, soup and chicken dish by 8 p.m.

This is helpful to improve fitness.

Yoga & Exercises.

Yoga and exercises regularly routine of Shipa Shetty gives her energy all the day. Few Yoga asanas that Shipa practices which will not only tone your body but also treat your entire body.

Shipa Shetty maintain fitness day by day regularly. 

Shipa is Yoga Practitioner, diet and regular exercises. She is dedicate herself for a Yoga. After Yoga she make a meditation to reliever her stress. 

Yoga routine is good inspiration from Shipa. She cross 40 but she maintain her body shape & figure well, her good exercises.

Drink Water.

Shipa Shetty drinks 8-9 glasses of water in day. She is good fit now. She work hard for fitness. Doing regular routine of drink water is also very beneficial for stomach.

This helps to flush out all toxins from the body.

These are main Fitness secrets of Shipa Shetty.
