Navratri Nav Durga Color.
In nine days of Navratri can strengthen 9. Planets and numbers by using different color in worship of Goddess. Navratri is a beginning of peace, happiness and prosperity. When Navratri start, everyone prays for happiness and prosperity.
Nine days of Navratri are different goddesses. Each Goddesses is related to any one planet. These planets are related to some number of points. Each digit has its own color.
In 9 days, strength 9 planets and related numbers by using different colors in worship of Goddess. Navratri is beautiful and brings the happiness in your life. You have to prayer to Goddess.
Nine forms of Durga are Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katayani, Kaalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidhatri.
First Day of Navratri.
Shailaputri Maa blessing is on first day of Navratri. Maa Shailaputri is related to moon.
Use white color strengthens your score 2. This will reduce the defects and trubles related to number 2 and you will be becomes.
Second Day of Navratri.
The second day of Navratri is of the mother Brahmacharini who is related to Mars.
Using red color strength your score 9 which reduces the defects and troubles related to number 9 and you will have courage and energy.
Third Day of Navratri.
The third day of Navratri is of the mother Chandraghanta who is related to Venus.
White and Pink colors strengthens your score 6 which reduces the defects or troubles related to number 6 and will be increase the physical comforts in your life.
Fourth Day of Navratri.
The fourth day of Navratri is of Mother Kushmanda who is related to Surya.
Orange color strength your score 1 which will reduce the defect and troubles related to 1 and increases your leadership and fame.
Fifth Day of Navratri.
The fifth day of Navratri belongs to Skandamata who is related to mercury.
Use White, Pink color combination with green will strength your score 5 which will reduce the defects and problems related to money and expression.
Sixth Day of Navratri.
The sixth day of Navratri belongs to mother Katayani who is related to Guru.
Use Yellow will strength your score 3 which reduces the defects and troubles related to number 3 and you will benefit in the field of education and marriage.
Seventh Day of Navratri.
The seventh day of Navratri is Maa Kalratri who is related to Saturn.
Use Blue color strength your score 8 which reduces the defects and troubles related to number 8 and will give stability to your life.
Eight Day of Navratri.
The eighth day of Navratri is Maa Maha gauri who is related to Rahu.
Use Blue and brown strength your score 4 will reduce the defects and troubles related to number 4 and you will relief from turmoil and struggle in life.
Nineth day of Navratri.
The Nineth day of Navratri belongs to Mother Siddhidhatri who is related to Ketu.
Use grey or brindle color strength your color 7 will reduce the defects and troubles related to number 7 and your spiritual side will be strong.
You can strengthen your planets and numbers by using these colors in Navratri.
These are very beneficial for your happy life and blessing of Navratri Nav Durga.
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